
Posts Tagged ‘food’

There is a popular TV programme called “Come Dine With Me”, where 5 strangers throw a dinner party for each other and they score the host’s efforts in secret. The winner wins £1000.

I spent the week building up vocab and knowledge of the topic of food. We did readings, phrasal verbs, food phrases (eg. she’s as nice as pie, they’re nuts, it’s not really my cup of tea, piece of cake etc.), and the students had to write recipes for their favourite food and research food from a country I gave them.

On the Friday, we played Come Dine With Me, and it went really well.

We did a very short reading on the programme, just so they understood what we were doing. Then we watched an episode of “Come Dine With Me”, and they had to answer a few questions (what food do they make, what was the final score? etc)

This is the episode we watched, set in East London:

 They then had about half an hour to creat their own dinner party menu. they had to include all the ingredients, and how to prepare the food.

I split them into two groups and they had to then present their dinner party to their group. Everyone had a piece of paper and secretly marked the person and put it into an envelope. Once everyone had presented their menu, they added up their score to see who won.

I gave the winner a blown up photocopy of a cheque as their prize. 🙂

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